ViaVia Artisan Bakery and Deli
Ramadan is more than just a month. It’s a time to pause, reflect, and reconnect. It’s a season that brings people together, where every meal shared becomes a reminder of love, gratitude, and the beauty of new beginnings. In this special time, we gather with family and friends, share laughter, exchange kindness, and open our hearts to forgiveness.

ViaVia Artisan Bakery is a homemade artisan bakery located in Prawirotaman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Baking since 2010, we are committed to provide daily fresh baked bread with selected healthy ingredients, integrity of our bakers and we use local ingredients as much as possible.

money can't buy love but it can buy Spotify or Youtube premium to listen to our podcast!
ngobrol santai barengan Founder ViaVia - Mie Cornoedus, dan Mas Nino - Manager ViaVia Artisan Bakery. banyak hal yang dibahas seputar ViaVia dan dunia artisan! Penasan? Dengerin sekarang!

Why ViaVia Artisan Bakery?
Collaboration and partners
ViaVia Artisan Bakery X Anagard
special apron and totebag collaborated with ANAGArd (streert artist Yogyakarta) we deliver the experience of artsy with related products. Made from eco friendly printing and cotton...

What they say...